Friday, July 18, 2014

What Children Need to Enrol in a New School

Moving to Tuscany with children is a huge decision. In fact, moving to a new country is always going to be something you must consider when you have children. You want to make certain your children will have the education that is best for them and that they will fit in.
Depending on the age of your child you may find it more difficult to enrol your child into a new school. It is not a matter of choosing among the villas in Tuscany close to the school you like, but a matter of availability as you will be a non-resident.

Nursery Schools
There are not a lot of nursery schools available to you as a non-resident. Typically, you need to look for private schools. You may also wish to start out looking for play groups in your neighbourhood to determine which nursery schools are currently available and allowing applications for non-resident students. There is an application process for private schools. Students need to be three to six years of age. Most nursery schools are going to be in the larger cities. As there has been a decline in new births in Italy many rural schools have closed.

Primary School and Middle Schools
Italy offers a free state education to residents; however, for non-residents it can be difficult to enrol your child in your choice of  local school unless you apply in January for the upcoming year. The authorities are obligated  to accept your child in one of the local schools however as school education is mandatory for primary and middle school level, they will be able to tell you in which schools there are opening. Primary school begins at age 6 in which class size is 10 to 25 pupils. Primary school is five years of education. In school children will learn languages such as Italian and English, science, maths, geography, and how to read and write. If your child was enrolled in a nursery school those records will need to be included in the school application for private schools and in the transferred records for local authority schools. Middle school is the same; however, students only need to go for 30 hours a week for formal lessons. The other portion of school is a choice of additional activities such as sports or music.
The third year requires a written exam in primary studies and an oral exam for other subjects in order for students to get into high school.

High School
High school is the most difficult in Tuscany as it takes enrolling after passing proper tests. There are private schools like the International School of Florence and Sacro Cuore.
To enrol in any school your child will need their previous student records, medical exam showing proper vaccinations, and to be of proper age for the school you wish to enrol your child into.

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